Gluten-free kinder cheesecake

Gluten-free kinder cheesecake

Duration: 0:40 (h:m) Portions: 12-16 (pcs)
Try our recipe for gluten-free kinder cheesecake and let yourself be carried away by the taste that unites generations. An unmistakable taste that will remind you of a favorite sweet from your childhood.

Cookie dough



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  1. Cookie dough: Mix ground gluten-free cookies with melted butter and milk. Press the mass into the bottom of the mold.
  2. Filling: Let the gelatin swell in about 50 ml of milk for about 10 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients to the bowl, mix and beat with a mixer. Heat the swollen gelatin (in the microwave for approx. 30 seconds or over steam) and immediately whisk it into the filling.
  3. Apply the filling to the cookie dough. Smooth the surface with a spatula and let it harden in the refrigerator.
  4. Topping: Pour hot cream over the chocolate and mix. Add sweetened condensed milk and mix with an immersion blender until smooth.
  5. Pour the glaze over the hardened filling and leave it in the refrigerator, ideally until the next day.
  6. Decorate according to your imagination, e.g. kinder chocolates and grated white and milk chocolate.
Good tip 1:
We prepare gluten-free cookies according to our recipe:


Good tip 2:
You can prepare the classic gluten-free version with regular wheat butter biscuits.


From the listed ingredients, we can prepare 1 cheesecake (mould with Ø 24 cm), or 20 pcs of mini glasses, or 12 pcs of minicheesecake.

In the video recipe, 1 and 1/2 portions were used, from which we prepared: 1 cheesecake, 3 mini glasses and 1 minicheesecake.


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